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Austríaco nacionalizado americano, Schumpeter foi um erudito da história do pensamento econômico e um dos mais prestigiados e influentes economistas do século vinte. 
Estudou os ciclos e os sistemas econômicos. Embora seus professores (Böhn-Bawerk) pertencessem à escola austríaca, ao longo de sua vida evoluiu e se tornou keynesiano. Ao final de sua vida, influenciado pelo marxismo, predisse a queda do sistema capitalista e sua virada ao socialismo. 

Obras de Joseph A. Schumpeter 
    "Über die matematische Methode der theoretischen Ökonomie", 1906, ZfVSV. 
    "Das Rentenprinzip in der Verteilungslehre", 1907, Schmollers Jahrbuch 
    The Nature and Essence of Theoretical Economics, 1908. 
    "On the Concept of Social Value", 1909, QJE 
    "Marie Esprit Leon Walras", 1910, ZfVSV. 
    "Über das Wesen der Wirtschaftskrisen", 1910, ZfVSV 
    The Theory of Economic Development: An inquiry into profits, capital, credit, interest and the business cycle , 1911. 
    Economic Doctrine and Method: An historical sketch, 1914. 
    "Das wissenschaftliche Lebenswerk Eugen von Böhm-Bawerks", 1914, ZfVSV. 
    Vergangenkeit und Zukunft der Sozialwissenschaft, 1915. 
    The Crisis of the Tax State, 1918. 
    "The Sociology of Imperialism", 1919, Archiv für Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik 
    "Max Weber's Work", 1920, Der östereichische Volkswirt 
    "Carl Menger", 1921, ZfVS. 
    "The Explanation of the Business Cycle", 1927, Economica 
    "Social Classes in an Ethnically Homogeneous Environment", 1927, Archiv für Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik. 
    "The Instability of Capitalism", 1928, EJ 
    Das deutsche Finanzproblem, 1928. 
    "Mitchell's Business Cycles", 1930, QJE 
    "The Present World Depression: A tentative diagnosis", 1931, AER. 
    "The Common Sense of Econometrics", 1933, Econometrica 
    "Depressions: Can we learn from past experience?", 1934, in Economics of the Recovery Program 
    "The Nature and Necessity of a Price System", 1934, Economic Reconstruction. 
    "Review of Robinson's Economics of Imperfect Competition", 1934, JPE 
    "The Analysis of Economic Change", 1935, REStat. 
    "Professor Taussig on Wages and Capital", 1936, Explorations in Economics. 
    "Review of Keynes's General Theory", 1936, JASA 
    Business Cycles: A theoretical, historical and statistical analysis of the Capitalist process, 1939. 
    "The Influence of Protective Tariffs on the Industrial Development of the United States", 1940, Proceedings of AAPS 
    "Alfred Marshall's Principles: A semi-centennial appraisal", 1941, AER. 
    "Frank William Taussig", 1941, QJE. 
    Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, 1942. 
    "Capitalism in the Postwar World", 1943, Postwar Economic Problems. 
    "John Maynard Keynes", 1946, AER. 
    "The Future of Private Enterprise in the Face of Modern Socialistic Tendencies", 1946, Comment sauvegarder l'enterprise privée 
    Rudimentary Mathematics for Economists and Statisticians, with W.L.Crum, 1946. 
    "Capitalism", 1946, Encyclopaedia Britannica. 
    "The Decade of the Twenties", 1946, AER 
    "The Creative Response in Economic History", 1947, JEH 
    "Theoretical Problems of Economic Growth", 1947, JEH 
    "Irving Fisher's Econometrics", 1948, Econometrica. 
    "There is Still Time to Stop Inflation", 1948, Nation's Business. 
    "Science and Ideology", 1949, AER. 
    "Vilfredo   HYPERLINK ""  Pareto ", 1949, QJE. 
    "Economic Theory and Entrepreneurial History", 1949, Change and the Entrepreneur 
    "The Communist Manifesto in Sociology and Economics", 1949, JPE 
    "English Economists and the State-Managed Economy", 1949, JPE 
    "The Historical Approach to the Analysis of Business Cycles", 1949, NBER Conference on Business Cycle Research. 
    "Wesley Clair Mitchell", 1950, QJE. 
    "March into Socialism", 1950, AER. 
    Ten Great Economists: From Marx to Keynes, 1951. 
    Imperialism and Social Classes, 1951 (reprints of 1919, 1927) 
    Essays on Economic Topics, 1951. 
    "Review of the Troops", 1951, QJE. 
    History of Economic Analysis, 1954. 
    "American Institutions and Economic Progress", 1983, Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Staatswissenschaft 
    "The Meaning of Rationality in the Social Sciences", 1984, Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Staatswissenschaft 
    "Money and Currency", 1991, Social Research. 
    Economics and Sociology of Capitalism, 1991.