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Prêmio Nobel  1995
Economista norte-americano da Universidade de Chicago, Lucas obteve o Prêmio Nobel de Economia em 1995 por ter desenvolvido e aplicado a hipótese das expectativas racionais tendo, portanto, transformado a análise macroeconômica e aprofundado a compreensão da política econômica.
Robert Lucas é o líder da escola chamada "Novos Clássicos", uma versão moderna da velha Escola de Chicago. Sua hipótese das expectativas racionais tem conduzido à marginalização dos neokeynesianos e ao entronamento de uma macroeconomia baseada nos princípios neoclássicos.

    "Optimal Investment Policy and the Flexible Accelerator", 1967, IER. 
    "Adjustment Costs and the Theory of Supply", 1967, JPE 
    "Real Wages, Employment and Inflation", with Leonard A. Rapping, 1969, JPE 
    "Investment Under Uncertainty", with E.C. Prescott, 1971, Econometrica 
    "Expectations and the Neutrality of Money", 1972, JPE 
    "Econometric Testing of the Natural Rate Hypothesis", 1972, in Eckstein, editor, The Econometrics of Price Determination. 
    "Some International Evidence on Output-Inflation Tradeoffs", 1973, AER 
    "Equilibrium Search and Unemployment", with E. C. Prescott, 1974, JET 
    "An Equilibrium Model of the Business Cycle", 1975, JPE 
    "Econometric Policy Evaluation: A critique", 1976, CROCH 
    "Understanding Business Cycles", 1977, CROCH 
    "Asset Prices in an Exchange Economy", 1978, Econometrica 
    "`New' Explanations of the Persistence of Inflation and Unemployment", with T.J. Sargent, 1978, in After the Phillips Curve. 
    "After Keynesian Macroeconomics" with T.J. Sargent, 1978, in After the Phillips Curve. 
    "Rules, Discretion and the Role of the Economic Advisor", 1980, in Fischer, editor, Rational Expectations. 
    "Methods and Problems in Business Cycle Theory", 1980, JMCB 
    Studies in Business Cycle Theory 
    "Equilibrium in a Pure Currency Economy", 1980, Econ Inquiry 
    "Tobin and Monetarism: A review article", 1981, JEL. 
    "Interest Rates and Currency Prices in a Two-Country World", 1982, JME 
    "Optimal Fiscal and Monetary Policy in an Economy without Capital", with N.L. Stokey, 1983, JME 
    "Optimal Growth with Many Consumers", with N. L. Stokey, 1984, JET 
    "Money in a Theory of Finance", 1984, CROCH 
    "Money and Interest in a Cash-in-Advance Economy", with N. L. Stokey, 1987, Econometrica 
    Models of Business Cycles, 1987. 
    "On the Mechanics of Economic Development", 1988, JME 
    Recursive Methods in Economic Dynamics, with N. L. Stokey, 1989. 
    "Liquidity and Interest Rates", 1990, JET 
    "Why Doesn't Capital Flow from Rich to Poor Countries?", 1990, AER 
    "Making a Miracle", 1993, Econometrica