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Baumol é professor emérito de Princeton University e do C.V. Starr Center for Applied Economics of New York University, a qual dirige. Seria necessário muito espaço para falar das contribuições à Economia deste novaiorquino, por isso, nos centramos em duas áreas que receberam especial atenção: o modelo de Tobin-Baumol e sua teoria do crescimento.
Idealizado por James Tobin e reformulado por William Baumol, o modelo matemático de Tobin-Baumol é o exemplo por excelência que explica a demanda por dinheiro pelo motivo transação, isto é, com o objetivo de trocá-lo por bens e serviços, considerando em conta o motivo “especulação”.
Esses autores indicam que manter dinheiro em espécie (i.e. em efetivo) tem um custo de oportunidade, relativo ao montante de juros que se deixa de ganhar por não tê-lo colocado em ativos. Entretanto, há um aspecto positivo, já que ter dinheiro em espécie permite fazer frente a qualquer transação de uma forma rápida.
Supondo que um agente receba sua renda na conta corrente de um banco, cada vez que deseja retirar dinheiro, terá custos de tempo e de deslocamento, por isso não surpreende que este modelo seja conhecido como “O Modelo do Custo da Sola dos Sapatos”.
Minimizando uma expressão matemática que considera todos estes custos, se obtém o número ótimo de vezes que o agente se interessa em ir ao banco, e o saldo médio de demanda de dinheiro ótimo.
Esta demanda será tanto maior quanto: 
•    Maiores sejam os custos de ir ao Banco;
•    Maiores sejam os pagamentos que o agente prevê que terá que realizar;
•    Menores sejam os juros que se pode obter aplicando o dinheiro.
Portanto, o número de vezes ótimo que o agente deverá ir ao banco depende inversamente da demanda ótima de dinheiro.
A outra contribuição importante de Baumol foi a explicação de como se dá o crescimento econômico. Baseando-se em autores clássicos, ele explicou o crescimento como efeito da inovação, considerando o empresário uma figura chave, cuja missão principal não é inventar e nem sequer assumir risco, que deveria ser assumido por seu sócio capitalista, senão saber atender às necessidades dos demandantes de forma rápida e adequada.
O leitor interessado em Baumol também deveria consultar suas contribuições matemáticas, muito interessantes, sobre teoria dos jogos e programação linear.
Currículo Vitae 

(Extraído e adaptado de www.econ.nyu.edu/dept/vitae/baumol.htm)

Data de Nascimento: 26 de fevereiro de 1922
Local de Nascimento: New York, NY
Estado Civil: Casado, dois filhos 

BSS College of the City of New York, 1942
Ph.D University of London, 1949 
1942-1943 y 1946: Junior Economist, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture 
1947-49: Assistant Lecturer, London School of Economics 
1949-92: Professor of Economics, Princeton University 
1992-current: Senior Research Economist and Professor of Economics, Emeritus, Princeton University 
1971-current: Professor of Economics and Director, C.V. Starr Center for Applied Economics, New York University 

1953 Fellow, Econometric Society 
1957-58 Guggenheim Fellow 
1960-70 Trustee, Rider College 
1965 Honorary LL.D, Rider College (Trustee Emeritus) 
1965-66 Ford Faculty Fellowship 
1970 Honorary Fellow, London School of Economics 
1971 Honorary Doctorate, Stockholm School of Economics 
1973 Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters, Knox College 
1973 Honorary Doctorate, University of Basel 
1975 John R. Commons Award, Omicron Delta Epsilon 
1975 Townsend Harris Medal, Alumni Association of the City College of New York 
1982 Distinguished Fellow, American Economic Association 
1984 Distinguished Member, Economic Association of Puerto Rico 
1986 Winner, Assoc. of American Publishers Award for Best Book in Business, Management and Economics, Superfairness: Applications and Theory 
1987 Recipient, Frank E. Seidman Distinguished Award in Political Economy 
1988 Joseph Douglas Green 1895 Professor of Economics, Princeton University 
1989 Winner, Assoc. of Am. Publishers Annual Awards for Excellence in Publishing, Honorable Mention in Social Sciences, Productivity and American Leadership: The Long View 
1992 Recipient, First Senior Scholar in the Arts and Sciences Award, New York University 
1996 Honorary Degree, University of Limburg, Maastricht, Holland 
1996 Honorary Professorship, University of Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina 
Member, Committee to set up the Don Patinkin School of Economics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem 
Chairman, Harvard University Visiting Committee, Dept. of Economics, 1995 
Member, American Philosophical Society 
Member, Advisory Board, Insurance Information Institute Press 
Chairman, Overseers' Committee to Visit the Dept. of Economics, Harvard University 
Member, Advisory Board, Journal of Economic Perspectives 
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Cultural Economics 
Principal Investigator, Students at Risk Comm., Inst. for Education & Social Policy 
Member, Advisory Committee, World Resources Institute (founding member) 
Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Supreme Court Economic Review 
Member, Board of Trustees, Joint Council on Economic Education 
Member, Advisory Committee, Center for Entrepreneurial Studies, Graduate School of Business Administration, New York University 
Member, Board of Directors, Theater Development Fund 
Member, National Science Foundation review panel for Science and Technology Research Centers 
Member, Advisory Board, Fishman-Davidson Center for the Study of the Service Sector, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania 
Member, National Academy of Sciences 
Correspondent, Committee on Human Rights, National Academy of Sciences 
Member, Committee on the National Institute for the Environment, National Academy of Sciences 
Member, Board of Consultants, Economia, Revista Quadrimestral (Portugal) 
Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences 
Member, Executive Committee, V.P. (1966-67), American Economic Association 
Past President, American Economic Association (1981), Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (1979), Eastern Economic Association (1978-79), Atlantic Economic Society (1985) 
Past Chairman and Member, Economic Policy Council, State of New Jersey (1967-75) 
Past Vice President, American Association of University Professors 
Past Vice President, AAUP (1968-70) and Chairman, Committee on Economic Status of the Profession (1962-70) 
Various times on Boards of Editors for American Economic Review, Kyklos, Journal of Economic Literature, Management Science, Economic Notes (Italy), Journal of Economic Education, Impresa e Concorrenza (Italy) THESIS: Theory and History of Economic and Social Institutions and Structures (USSR) 
Director, Consultants in Industry Economics, Inc. 
Frequent consultant to government and industry, in U.S. and many other countries.

Livros e artigos de William J. Baumol


"Community Indifference", RES 

"A Community Indifference Map: A construction", RES. 
"A Formalization of Mr. Harrod's Model", EJ. 

"The Analogy between Producer and Consumer Equilibrium Analysis", con Helen Makower, Economica. 

Economic Dynamics, con R. Turvey. Otras ediciones: 1959, 1970

"The Transaction Demand for Cash: An inventory-theoretic approach", QJE. 
"The Classical Monetary Theory: The outcome of the discussion", con G.S. Becker, Economica. 
Welfare Economics and the Theory of the State. Otras ediciones: 1965

"Firms with Limited Money Capital", Kyklos. 

Economic Processes and Policies, con L.V. Chandler. 

"More on the Multiplier Effect of a Balanced Budgt", con M.H. Preston, AER. 

"Acceleration without Magnification", AER. 
"Variety in Retailing", with E.A. Ide, Management Science. 

"Speculation, Profitability and Stability", REStat. 

"Activity Analysis in One Lesson", AER. 
"On the Theory of Oligopoly", Economica. 
"Topology of Second Order Linear Difference Equations with Constant Coefficients", Econometrica. 
"The Cardinal Utility which is Ordinal", EJ. 

Business Behavior, Value and Growth. Otras ediciones: 1966

"Integer Programming and Pricing", con R.E. Gomory, Econometrica. 

Economic Theory and Operations Analysis. Otras ediciones: 1965, 1972, 1976
"What Can Economic Theory Contribute to Managerial Economics?", AER. 
"Pitfalls in Contracyclical Policies: Some tools and results", REStat. 
What Price Economic Growth?, con Klaus Knorr

"The Theory of Expansion of the Firm", AER. 
"Stocks, Flows and Monetary Theory", QJE. 

"An Expected Gain-Confidence Limit Criterion for Portfolio Selection", Management Science. 

"Rules of Thumb and Optimally Imperfect Decisions", AER. 
"Decomposition, Pricing for Decentralization and External Economics", con T.Fabian, Management Science. 

"On the Performing Arts: the anatomy of their economic problems", con W.G. Bowen, AER. 
"Investment and Discount Rates Under Capital Rationing", con R.E.Quandt, EJ. 
"Informed Judgement, Rigorous Theory and Public Policy", Southern EJ. 
The Stock Market and Economic Efficiency. 

Performing Arts: the economic dilemma, con W.G. Bowen. 
"The Ricardo Effect in Point-Input, Point-Output Case", Essays in Mathematical Economics in Honor of Oskar Morgenstern. 

"Macroeconomics of Unbalanced Growth: The anatomy of urban crisis", AER. 
"Calculation of Optimal Product and Retailer Characteristics", JPE. 
"The Firm's Optimal Debt-Equity Combination and the Cost of Capital", con B.G. Malkiel, QJE. 
"Error Produced by Linearization in Mathematical Programming", con R. Bushnell, Econometrica. 

"The Dual of Nonlinear Programming and its Economic Interpretation", con M.L.Balinski, RES. 
"Entrepreneurship in Economic Theory", AER. 
"On the Social Rate of Discount", AER. 
Precursors in Mathematical Economics: An Anthology , con S.M. Goldfeld

"On the Discount Rate for Public Projects", Analysis and Evaluation of Public Expenditures. 

"Input Choices and Rate-of-Return Regulation: An overview of the discussion", con A.K.Klevorick, Bell JE. 
"Optimal Departures from Marginal Cost Pricing", con D.F. Bradford, AER. 
Portfolio Theory: The Selection of Asset Combinations

"The Economics of Athenian Drama", QJE. 
Environmental protection, International Spillovers and Trade. 

"On the Economics of the Theatre in Renaissance London" con Mary Oates, Swedish JE. 
"The Dynamics of Urban Problems and its Policy Implications", en Preston and Corry, editors, Essays in Honor of Lord Robbins. 
"Taxation and the Control of Externalities", AER. 
"Detrimental Externalities and Non-Convexity of the Production Set", con D.F. Bradford, Economica. 

Economics of Academic Libraries, con M. Marcus

"The Transformation of Values: What Marx `Really' Meant”, JEL. 

The Theory of Environmental Policy, con W.E.Oates. Otras ediciones: 1988

Selected Economic Writings of William J. Baumol, con E.E. Bailey, ed.

Economics, Environmental Policy and Quality of LIfe, con W.E.Oates y S.A. Batey Blackman. 
Economics: Principles and Policy, con A.S. Blinder. Otras ediciones: 1982, 1985, 1987, 1991 y 1994

Public and Private Enterprise in a Mixed Economy (editor)

Contestable Markets and the Theory of Industry Structure, con J.C. Panzar y R.D. Wilig. Otras ediciones: 1987

Inflation and the Performing Arts (editor con H. Baumol)

Productivity Growth and U.S. Competitiveness (editor con K. McLennan)

Microetheory: Applications and origins
Superfairness: Application and theory, con D. Fischer

"The Optimal Cash Balance Proposition: Maurice Allais' Priority", con J. Tobin, JEL 
The Information Economy and the Implications of Unbalanced Growth, con L. Osberg y E.N. Wolff
Productivity and American Leadership: The long view, con S.A. Batey Blackman y E.N. Wolff. 

The Economics of Mutual Fund Markets: Competition vs. Regulation , con S.M. Goldfeld, L.A. Gordon y M.F. Koehn

Perfect Markets and Easy Virtue: Business ethics and the invisible hand, con S.A. Batey Blackman

Entrepreneurship, Management and the Structure of Profit. 

Toward Competition in Local Telephony, con Gregory Sidak
Convergence of Productivity: Cross-National Studies and Historical Evidence (ed. con R.R. Nelson & E.N. Wolff)

Transmission Pricing and Stranded Costs in the Electric Power Industry, con Gregory Sidak
Assessing Educational Practices: The Contribution of Economics (ed. con W.E. Becker)

Microeconomics: Principles and Policy (ed. con A.S. Blinder